New Headlines:
Trump fires Secretary of Defense Esper, who took one principled stand but changed little else -- Responsible Statecraft, 11/9/20
McMaster cheapens the sacrifice of troops by comparing Taliban talks to Nazi appeasement -- Responsible Statecraft, 10/21/20
Why these four star generals cant lecture us about morality and truth --Responsible Statecraft, 9/23/20
Why Trumps top retired military brass endorsement may alienate the rank-and-file -- Responsible Statecraft, 9/15/20
Is Syrian Oil Now A U.S. National Interest?--The American Conservative,8/27/2020
Yazidi sex slaves: Our stain and legacy in Iraq--Responsible Statecraft, 8/26/20
Neoconservative Wolves Dressed In Never-Trumper Clothing--The American Conservative, 8/10/20
Rod Serling Couldn't Have Predicted This Twilight Zone--The American Conservative,7/4/20
Gaslighting Nobody, the Blog Struggles for Primacy, The American Conservative, 6/24/20
When it comes to the VA, do veterans really have a choice? The American Conservative, 4/18/20
West Point Prof Pens Blistering Take Down of West Point, The American Conservative, 2/17/20
What The 1956 Uprising Says About Hungary Today--TAC--10/24/19
Court: FBI Must Destroy Memos Calling Antiwar.Com A Threat--TAC--9/12/19
Why Is The 9/11 Mastermind Still Awaiting Trial?--TAC--9/10/19
Meet the Doctor Death of American Empire--TAC--9/10/19
The New Quincy Institute Seeks Warmongering Monsters To Destroy--TAC--7/30/19
George Orwells Dystopian Nightmare in China--The American Conservative--July/August 2019 Issue
How Justin Raimondo Made Me a Braver Writer--The American Conservative--6/29/19
From Boeing to E-Ring: Shanahan is Industrys Man in the Pentagon--The American Conservative--5/14/19
Yes, You Should Fear the Arrest of Julian Assange--The American Conservative--4/11/19
Israel Boycott Exposes Serious Rifts in the Democratic Party -- The American Conservative -- 3/5/19
Walter Jones Cried While the Rest of Them Lied -- The American Conservative -- 2/11/19
Former Yazidi Sex Slave Is Americas Shame--The American Conservative--12/16/18
Emergency Confiscation is Easy Target in New Gun Control Congress--The American Conservative--12/11/18
Ten Years Gone: Iraq and Afghanistan Vets on What It All Meant--The American Conservative--11/9/18
Vets Cheer as VA, DoD Take a Beating at Burn Pits Hearing---The American Conservative--6/8/18
Targeted Killing, Donald Trump Style--The American Conservative--6/4/18
Senators Offer Up Unprecedented War Powers to President -- The American Conservative--4/18/18
Tiny Qatar Digs In Amid Gulf Blockade and Washington Intrigue--The American Conservative--3/16/18
U.S. Saudi Lobby in Overdrive Ahead of Prince MbS Roadshow - The American Conservative -- 3/2/18
RIP Robert Parry: When Independent Journalism Meant Something--The American Conservative--2/2/18
Neoconning the Trump White House--The American Conservative magazine--1/16/18
Sessions Unleashes the Hounds on Pro-Pot States--The American Conservative magazine--1/5/18
F-35 Success: Real or Imagined? ---The American Conservative magazine --11/17/17
Afghan Soldiers Went AWOL in U.S. For Years-- The American Conservative -- 10/30/17
Bowe Bergdahl Was 'Guilty' All Along -- The American Conservative -- 10/17/17
Burn Pits' Legacy: 'Delay, Deny, Hope You Die' -- The American Conservative -- 10/9/17
Is Tom Cotton's Inner Realist Struggling to Get Out? -- The American Conservative magazine -- 9/21/17
Nikki Haley Debuts Trump Case for Ending Iran Nuke Deal -- The American Conservative -- 9/6/17
RIP Walter Becker: The Edgy, Impish Half of Steely Dan -- The American Conservative -- 9/3/17
Pardon Me? Rep. Rohrabacher and His Curious Meeting With Julian Assange -- The American Conservative -- 8/21/17
Chinese Troops Moving Next Door to U.S. Base in Horn of Africa -- The American Conservative -- 7/24/17
Dr. Strangelove and the Los Alamos Nuclear Fiasco -- 7/13/17-- The American Conservative magazine
How Saudi Arabia tricked American veterans -- The American Conservative magazine -- 4/27/17
What Trump's Afghanistan War policy will probably look like -- The American Conservative -- 2/14/17
Faces in the Crowd: How movies reflect social, political turbulence in America -- WTOP -- 2/1/17
With Trump in office can Bowe Bergdahl get a fair trial? -- The American Conservative -- 1/24/17
Divining Trump's Israel, Middle East Policy -- The American Conservative -- 1/18/17
The Square Circle -- Arlington Independent Media (roundtable) -- 1/5/17

The Square Circle, 1/6/2017 |
Is Civilian Control of the Military in Jeopardy? -- The American Conservative -- 12/21/16
'Mafia Fighter' Chuck Myers was Pentagon watchdog, unsung hero of close air support -- The American Conservative -- 12/1/16
Do you know how many contractors are in Afghanistan, Iraq ...Syria? -- The American Conservative -- 10/25/16/
The Return of Torture: CIA and Congress oppose Trumps push but the public may not -- The American Conservative -- 9/28/16
The Veeps on War: They are both hawkish -- The American Conservative -- 9/14/16
Hillary Clinton's national security team-in-waiting has Syria war plans -- The American Conservative -- 8/16/16
Fallujah in Ruins -- The American Conservative -- 7/14/16
The Military Industrial Election -- The American Conservative --7/6/16
Will Women Dodge the Draft? Pentagon joins political debate over women in Selective Service -- The American Conservative --
How Wartime Washington Lives in Luxury -- The American Conservative -- 4/25/16
Merrick Garland: Witness for the Prosecution -- The American Conservative -- 3/29/2016
Addicted to Los Alamos: The nuclear-industrial complex responds to new Cold War -- The American Conservative -- 2/18/16
Stop Pandering to Veterans -- The American Conservative -- 2/1/16
When Money Cannot Buy An Army: Billions Spent on Afghanistan Potemkin Village -- The American Conservative -- 1/20/16
Stigma of the 'damaged veteran' a barrier to treatment, as suicides claim more US troops -- -- 1/19/16
The Cult of Air Power Will Not Destroy ISIS -- The American Conservative -- 12/17/15
Critics try, but fail to kill $1 billion weapons deal for Saudi Arabia -- -- 12/12/15
The Obama Guantanamo Challenge -- The American Conservative -- 12/1/15
U.S. Postal Service to newspapers: your marijuana ads are illegal -- -- 12/4/15
Given another chance: Alternative courts help returning vets in trouble with the law -- -- 11/11/15
Pentagon reportedly suspends missile defense program behind runaway blimp -- -- 11/4/15
Hollywood Horror: Psychological classics vs. modern slashers -- -- 10/27/15
Mississippi, Washington cities sued over charges they maintain "debtors' prisons" -- -- 10/22/15
How Republican Primaries Create More Pentagon Pork -- The American Conservative -- 9/27/15
DoD accused of ducking Afghan child abuse controversy with 'lawyer-speak' -- -- 9/26/15
DEA blasted for no-warrant searches of patient records, court battle heats up -- -- 9/11/15
'Nothing to stop ISIS': Attack underscores threat facing US force in Egypt -- -- 9/4/15
John Kiriakou: The Whistleblower the CIA Couldnt Break -- The American Conservative -- 9/3/15
Ex-officials prosecuted for mishandling govt info see double standard in Clinton case -- -- 8/17/15
Police Spying Meets Bipartisan Opposition -- The American Conservative -- 8/21/15
GOP candidates jockey for position in final debate dash -- -- 8/2/15
America's Already-Failed Cyber War -- The American Conservative -- 7/23/15
Lt. Col. Danny Davis: Army Whistleblower Turns Populist -- The American Conservative -- 7/17/15
Study blames college tuition arms race on schools addicted to federal aid -- -- 7/10/15
Republicans look to deliver blow against ObamaCare medical device tax -- -- 7/4/15
Review: In "Ghost Fleet," future war expert Pete Singer imagines WWIII with China -- The American Conservative -- 6/22/15
Punished for giving pet tips? Docs, vets battle online medicine regs-- -- 6/15/15
Vital VA hospital project in limbo as price tag soars, lawmakers vow no bail-out -- -- 5/22/15
They will pay off: Employers, advocates help returning vets face next battle -- landing a job
Senate fight looms as law allowing NSA to collect phone data set to expire -- -- 5/16/15
2nd Amendment advocates push to repeal switchblade, other knife laws -- -- 5/11/15
Weed wonks head to Capitol Hill, talking taxes and policy reform -- The American Conservative -- 5/1/15
If Not Hillary, Who? O'Malley in spotlight -- -- 4/27/15
U.S. loyalty to Saudi Arabia buys moral, strategic dilemma -- The American Conservative -- 4/17/15
New VA scandals call into question agency's ability to clean house -- -- 4/17/15
Terror attack, threats of more violence raise security questions for Obama Kenya visit -- -- 4/7/15
VA program to provide private care stumbling out of the gate -- -- 3/13/15
The DEA strands veterans -- The American Conservative -- 3/6/15
How secure could it have been? IT crowd questions if Hillary email could have been targeted -- -- 3/6/15
Beer battle brewing in Congress over craft tax 'carve out' -- -- 2/27/15
Abu Ghraib goes to court -- The American Conservative magazine -- 2/19/15
As Ebola crisis fades, questions arise over billions in U.S. aid -- -- 2/9/15
A Blackwater World Order: The privatization of U.S wars swells the ranks of armies for hire -- The American Conservative --
Arming up -- Federal IGs from the USDA to FCC want guns too -- The American Conservative -- 1/13/15
2016 X-Factor: Potential GOP hopefuls seek help running for White House, re-election at once -- -- 1/5/15
Afghanistan's Still-Broken Government -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 12/23/14
Sen. Mark Udall: Civil liberties lose a champion - The American Conservative -- 12/5/14
Could Jim Webb give Hillary a run for her money? -- -- 11/24/14
The Military Industrial Candidate: what President Hillary Clinton would mean for the defense establishment -- The American
Conservative -- 11/20/14
Republicans take control of Congress: Can Obama, GOP end perpetual conflict? -- - 11/5/14
John Nagl returns: COIN failed its way to popularity before, but its biggest champion won't give up --The American Conservative
-- 10/31/14
Once-sleepy South Dakota Senate race could pose problem for GOP -- -- 10/10/14
The Iraqi Army Never Was - The American Conservative magazine -- 10/9/14
The next top cop? Race to replace Holder begins -- -- 9/25/14
The Army Attacks Ebola -- The American Conservative magazine -- 9/25/14
How suburban Virginia became an Ebola epicenter -- 9/19/14
Proponents look to expand marijuana legalization in November -- -- 9/15/14
Islamophobia makes a comeback -- The American Conservative -- 9/11/14
Coal industry dealt another setback as Oregon blocks export plan will feds help? -- -- 8/29/14
How oil rules Iraq -- The American Conservative magazine -- 8/28/14
Billionaire Democrat Tom Steyer's campaign ads raise eyebrows -- -- 8/25/14
In California, Republican candidate runs outside-the-box campaign for governor -- -- 8/22/14
Underdogs seek late surge in 3-way GOP Senate race to take on vulnerable Alaska Dem -- -- 8/18/14
How Farmers Almanacs figure out Mother Nature -- -- 8/19/14
Bankrupt California city eyes marijuana for revenue -- -- 8/1/14
Matthew Hoh: Washington Doesnt Forgive Whistleblowers -- The American Conservative -- 7/30/14
Iraq Vets Ask: Was It Worth It? -- The American Conservative -- 6/27/14
FCC tests ways to kill the telephone wire --Digital Trends -- 6/15/14
Bowe Bergdahl Takes Obamas Heat -- The American Conservative --6/13/14
Afghanistan election: Will country turn the page, or descend into chaos? -- -- 6/8/14
Memorial Day Nightmare: As scandal sweeps the VA, real reform will come from institutional transformation, not more number
games -- The American Conservative -- 5/23/14
CBP's Mark Borkowski: Restraint Paying Off for US Border Technology Buying -- Border News Network -- 5/12/14
Veterans of the Burn Pits: vets still waiting for VA registry -- The American Conservative -- 5/2/14
Cannabis Goes Corporate: As marijuana moves to the marketplace, regulators fear another Big Tobacco -- The American Conservative
magazine, 4/15/14
Scrap Heap of War: Billions in equipment being left behind in Afghanistan -- -- 4/4/14
US Border Security and Immigration Reform: The Inseparable Twins --Border News Network -- 3/13/14
Lessons from a Surge Skeptic -- The American Conservative magazine -- 3/7/14
'Windfalls of war': Companies with spotty records making billions off Afghanistan -- -- 2/20/14
How a Careerist Culture Leads to Military Scandals -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 2/18/14
Special report: The Cyberwar Threat from North Korea -- -- 2/14/14
Chuck Hagel: the Pentagon's Invisible Man? -- The American Conservative -- 1/23/14
Rise of the Bronies! The male fanbase for 'My Little Pony' caught even the show's creators off-guard -- The American Conservative
-- 1/3/14
Local Courts Reviving 'Debtor's Prisons' for Overdue Fines and Fees -- -- 12/26/13
Why the 'Warthog' Matters, or, A Turf Battle Amid Sequestration -- The American Conservative -- 11/29/13
For the first time you can watch the Earth spin from your browser -- -- 11/22/13
Pols, states claim new EPA water reg could bring feds into your backyard -- -- 11/21/13
Snowden Shakes Up Washington -- The American Conservative -- 11/5/13
Red Flags? Company behind ObamaCare site has checkered past -- -- 10/23/13
Legal Pot Goes Local in Colorado -- The American Conservative - 10/18/13
$93M ObamaCare website may face months of glitches, experts warn -- -- 10/9/13
The Military's Prescription Drug Addiction -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 10/3/13
40-years of the "Fighter Mafia": Informal military group of subversives for reform -- The American Conservative -- 9/20/13
20th Anniversary of X-Files: Only for a Pre-9/11 World -- 9/11/13
Neocons Are Back, But Not in the GOP -- The American Conservative -- 9/5/13
Col. Gian Gentile Talks COIN and 'Savior Generals," in His New Book -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 8/22/13
The Right Rallies to Edward Snowden -- The American Conservative -- 8/8/13
Meet the Next Martians: Aspiring Red Planet Colonists in Washington D.C -- -- 8/5/13
Our Afghanistan Wasteland: Why we are leaving $7B in Military Gear Behind -- -- 7/11/13
World War Z:Forget the Movie, Read the Book --- -- 6/18/13
VA Whistleblower Ignites Firestorm Over Vets Illnesses -- American Conservative Magazine -- 5/10/13
Nick Turse, Exhuming Vietnam: An interview with the author of 'Kill Anything That Moves'-- -- 3/5/13
The Sad Truth About Gitmo -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 2/7/13
Surviving War, Falling to Suicide: Brain injuries, post-traumatic stress, and depression are as hazardous as any battlefield
-- The American Conservative -- 1/1/13
The Babies Will Haunt Us -- -- 12/18/12
10 years of DHS: Blessing or 'bureaucratic monstrosity'? -- -- 12/8/12
Syrian government websites find suitable host in US servers -- -- 12/5/12
The fall of Petraeus -- The Spectator (UK) - 11/17/12
Are we Ignoring the Looming Sunni-Shia Crisis? -- The American Conservative -- 11/9/12
Morning After Coverage Election 2012: Gridlock as usual or new era of compromise? -- FOXNews/com -- 11/7/12
FOX News Election Night coverage: Slivers of hope in economic recovery helped boost Obama -- -- 11/6/12
Will Blasphemy Laws Derail the Egyptian Revolution? -- The American Conservative -- 11/1/12
The Drug War Devolves in Honduras -- The American Conservative -- 10/26/12
VA Resists Registry for Victims of Iraq/Afghanistan Burn Pits - The American Conservative --10/15/12
Marijuana Legalization's Tipping Point -- The American Conservative -- 10/10/12
What really brought down the Occupy movement? -- The American Conservative -- 9/19/12
Learning to Eat Soup with a Spoon (opinion) -- The American Conservative -- 8/31/12
Revisiting Iraq -- The American Conservative -- 8/22/12
Is there a future for the Federal Protective Service? -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- July 2012 (digital version only)
Where is Hillary Clinton? The American Conservative Magazine -- 6/21/12
Once-Censored WWII Film Smashes Cliches -- The American Conservative -- 5/30/12
Are we Ready for Iran? -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- April 2012 cover (digital)
Embassy to Nowhere: The State Department's $750 million Baghdad boondoggle -- The American Conservative -- April 2012
Remembering writer and author Jeff Huber -- -- 3/13/12
Follow on Twitter!
It's real! Navy test-fires first working prototype railgun -- -- 2/28/12
Gitmo's Prying Eyes:The Defense Department wages war on attorney-client privilege -- The American Conservative Magazine --
February 2012
Slowly, Toxic Vets Get Recognition -- -- Feb. 7, 2012
Unpatriotic Act: Indefinite Military Detention Comes to the Homefront -- The American Conservative -- January 2012 (PDF only)
Michael Hastings vs. Team America -- A Review of "The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America's War in
Afghanistan" -- --1/17/12
Dark Days for Government Whistleblowers: An Interview with Jesselyn Radack & Tom Drake -- -- 1/4/12
Nuclear Money Pit: America's atomic arsenal is stuck in the Cold War era -- The American Conservative Magazine, December 2011
The Giant New DHS HQ is Coming Along Nicely -- But Will Congress Let it Continue? -- Homeland Security Today -- November 2011
(cover, print edition)
Hollywood Left Behind (So What's Stephen Colbert's Secret to Big Activism?) -- The American Conservative-- October 2011 issue
Q & A: Winslow Wheeler Shakes Off 'Gadfly' Epithet -- -- 10/17/2011
Analysts, lawmakers, diplomats puzzle over meaning of Iranian plot -- Homeland Security Today -- 10/13/11
Assassination Plot--Experts Analyze Iranian Intentions -- Homeland Security Today -- 10/12/11
The Next DHS Mission: the Digital Schoolroom -- Homeland Security Today -- October 2011
Who's Afraid of Peter Van Burens Book? (Book review & analysis) -- -- 10/4/11
A Season of Wind and Water: amid unprecedented storm crises,is FEMA finally achieving success? -- Homeland Security Today
-- Cover story, September 2011
The Public Safety Squeeze: First responders feel effects of weak economy -- Homeland Security Today -- September 2011
Truth Emerges About IED Carnage -- (opinion) -- 8/2/2011
Navy to Invest More Than $100M to Bolster Science, Tech Education -- -- 6/15/11
Pat Down Dust-up Renews TSA Screening Debate -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- June 2011 (digital magazine version)
Blessing or Curse: Conflicting interests in Washington on Immigrants -- -- 5/31/11
Born to Consume: For MTV, teen pregnancy is big business -- The American Conservative Magazine -- July 2011
DoD Dodges Deadly Dust -- -- 5/24/11
Bloody Mexican Gangs Make It 'Official,' with Uniforms, Insignia -- -- 5/23/11
NEW! Poisoned Generation:For Iraq's Children, the War in Not Over -- Cover: The American Conservative -- April 2011
Searching for Meaning in the Afghan Riots -- -- 4/12/11
Scientists Break World Record With Futuristic Free-Electron Laser -- -- 2/20/11
CPAC 2011: Conservative Conference Beset By Accusations of Pro-Gay Takeover, Muslim Agenda -- -- 1/18/11
CPAC 2011: Conservatives at CPAC Rally for Border Enforcement -- -- 2/9/11
Conservative Conference Beset By Accusations of Pro-Gay Takeover, Muslim Agenda -- -- 1/16/11
Bumps in the Road to St. Elizabeth's -- Homeland Security Today -- January 2011
Up in Smoke -- The American Conservative -- December 2010
New! -- Vlahos on TV: Talking about the GOP Sweep and its impact on Afghanistan War -- Russia Today Crosstalk -- 11/5/10
Schools Tracking Students Like They're Criminals (or Animals) -- -- 10/27/10
National Guard: Next Generation -- Homeland Security Today -- 9/24/10
Private Security Firms Keep Tabs on Protesters -- -- 9/20/10
Why Muqtada al-Sadr Haunts the White House -- -- 8/31/10
Vlahos on Russia Today -- The real meaning behind the Afghan parliamentary elections -- 9/17/10
Vlahos on Russia Today TV: the Iraq combat troop withdrawal -- 8/31/10
Sarah Palin's Herbal Tea -- The American Conservative -- 8/2/10
Taking a Look at New Antiwar Republicans -- -- 7/27/10
Exum's Challenge: Game On! Debating full withdrawal from Afghanistan -- -- 7/6/10
If a Hurricane Hits Haiti -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- June 2010
Vlahos on TV: Can Karzai and Clinton mend differences? -- Russia Today -- 5/11/10
Killer Cocktail: PTSD and your local police -- -- 4/27/10
Watch Kelley Vlahos on Judge Napolitano's Fox News Freedom Watch -- 4/27/10
Speak No Evil -- The American Conservative Magazine -- April 2010
Rand Paul Revolution -- The American Conservative -- March 2010
The Fortress to Come: New DHS HQ rises from St. E's Mental Hospital -- Homeland Security Today -- April 2010 (digital magazine
With Palin as Inspiration, More Conservative Women Making Voices Heard -- -- Feb. 19, 2010
'Freedom' Just Another Word for ... Big Debate at Conservative Conference -- -- Feb. 18, 2010
Conservative Filmmaker Gets Rock Star Treament at CPAC -- -- Feb. 18, 2010
Fall Out For DHS After Fort Hood -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- January 2010
Spinning out of control: The Pentagon propaganda plan to win hearts and minds -- of Americans -- The American Conservative
-- January 2010
On TV: Vlahos on the politics behind Surge II in Afghanistan -- Russia Today -- 12/10/09
Lieberman-Collins Invoke Radical Islam at Fort Hood Hearing -- Homeland Security Today -- 11/20/09
DC Summit Convenes Military 'Cyber Warriors' -- Homeland Security Today -- 11/18/09
Overflow Crowd Gets Glimpse of New DHS HQ Plans -- Homeland Security Today -- 10/27/09
Black Republicans Say 2010 Will Be Their Year -- -- 10/12/09
The Taliban Toll: How American taxpayer dollars are being used to fund our Afghan enemies -- The American Conservative Magazine
-- Nov. 1, 2009
On TV: Vlahos on the "civilian surge" in Afghanistan -- Russia Today -- 9/18/09
Burn Victims: Toxic exposure torments soldiers long after their tours end -- The American Conservative Magazine -- October
One-Sided COIN: The Military Industrial Complex Surges Washington -- The American Conservative Magazine -- August 2009
Obama Regulatory Czar's Confirmation Held Up by Hunting Rights Proponent -- -- 7/22/09
College Republicans Demoted at Two Religious Universities -- -- 7/1/09
'X-File' Vet May Be Link To Burn-Pit Truth -- -- 6/30/09
Concealed Carry Debate Underscores Gun Rights and Free Speech on Campus -- -- 6/04/09
Labor's Day at DHS -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- June 2009
Opinion: 'March of Freedom' a Trail of Tears -- -- 5/21/09
In his Sights: Will the Obama Administration Come for Your Guns? -- The American Conservative -- 5/18/09
Testing Time for TSA -- Homeland Security Today Magazine (cover) -- May 2009
Rough Road To Real ID -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- May 2009
First 100 Days of National Security: Obama's Centrist Approach Angers Fans, Pleases Critics -- -- 4/23/09
Opinion: Ill Veterans Demand Answers -- -- 4/23/09
The Nuts and Bolts of Procurement Reform -- Homeland Security Today -- April 2009
Afghan Law That 'Legalizes Rape' Poses Problem for Obama and Clinton -- -- 4/4/09
Further Military Commitment in Afghanistan May Be Toughest Sell Yet -- -- 3/25/09
Consolidating Congress -- Homeland Security Today Magazine (digital magazine edition) -- March 2009
House Readies Passage of Volunteerism Bill Critics Call Pricey, Forced Service -- -- 3/18/09
Activists to Prod Obama, Congress to Overturn 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' -- -- 3/12/09
Higher Law: For marijuana policy, states rights is the best medicine -- PDF Only -- The American Conservative -- March 2009
What's The Future Of American Conservatism? Join The Live Chat Tuesday At Noon -- Vlahos on NPR -- 3/3/09
Conservatives Seek Next Ronald Reagan -- -- 2/27/09
Conservatives Search Their Souls for Return to Principles -- -- 2/26/2009
The Fate of FEMA -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- February 2009 -- (Digital Magazine Edition)
Homeland Offense:Washington contemplates deploying the Armed Forces for domestic law enforcement -- The American Conservative
-- February 2009
Guarding the Food Front -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- February 2009 -- (Digital Magazine edition)
Last Republican Standing? Cornyn Takes Fight to Democrats -- -- 1/28/2009
Shinseki to Enter Veterans Affairs With Daunting Task of Job Creation for Soldiers -- -- 1/13/2009
The Bio-Watchers -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- January 2009
DHS bio-lab selection expected to move quickly -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- January 2009
Why the Government Needs More Rammy Barbaris -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- December 2008
Clinton Cabinet: The politics of change look surprisingly familiar -- American Conservative Magazine -- December 1, 2008
Battle of the Bio-Labs -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- November 2008
Iraqis Appear to Play Out Election Clock in Deal on U.S. Troops Status -- -- 10/20/08
Fire Sale: How finance, insurance, and real estate lobbyists bought a bailout -- The American Conservative Magazine -- October
20, 2008
Country First? Randy Scheunemann isnt the only foreign agent with McCains ear -- The American Conservative Magazine -- October
6, 2008
Seeking Eyes in the Sky: DHS and Other Federal Agencies May Control Classified Domestic Satellite Info -- Homeland Security
Today - September 2008
ON TV :Kelley Vlahos on Al Jazeera English -- "Inside USA: Examining Obama's Policies (part 1)" -- broadcast date 9/12/08
The Life and Death of Luis Aguilar -- Homeland Security Today -- September 2008
GOP Convention '08 - Democrats Rush To Define Palin by Policy, Not Personality -- -- 9/4/08
GOP Convention '08 -- Ron Paul Tops Off Rally For Republic With Fiery Speech-- -- 9/03/08
GOP Convention '08 -- Lieberman Speaking Slot Shows Favor Among GOP, Possible Future in McCain Cabinet -- -- 9/02/08
GOP Convention '08 -- Palin Pick Offers Enthusiasm Despite Newly Learned Family Woes -- -- 9/1/08
Innocents Lost: Refugees of the war we waged turn to prostitution to survive -- The American Conservative (PDF) -- August
Obama Camp Aims to Capitalize on Ralph Reed Link to McCain -- -- 8/21/08
Gwatney Remembered as Brash, Witty Leader in Arkansas -- -- 8/14/08
Passing the Baton: Will DHS Survive its First Presidential Transition? -- HSToday -- August 2008
DHS: Clash of Cultures -- HSToday -- July 2008
Admitting Failure: Lowering Standards to Man the Surge -- The American Conservative -- June 2008
Moderates Could Find It Difficult to Ride McCains Coattails -- 7/3/08
Moderate Freshman Democrats Fight to Hold 2006 House Wins -- -- 6/16/08
Haunted House on a Hill: DHS and St. Elizabeths -- Homeland Security Today Magazine -- June 2008
GOP Pins Hopes on Wealthy, Self-Funded Candidates -- -- 5/3/08
Women at War: The strain of Iraq forced the shock integration of women into the military -- The American Conservative -- April
With Interest in 08 Race Worldwide, Obamamania Extends Beyond U.S. Borders -- April 14
McCain Set to Take the Federal Financing Plunge -- -- 4/8/08
Clinton Pushes Housing Market Fixes As Campaign Manager Sits on Board of Bankrupt Lender -- -- 3/30/08
GOP Faces Long Odds in Bid to Retake House in November -- -- 3/24/08
A Safer Home on the Range: Is the Government Doing Enough To Protect the Nation's Livestock and Poultry? -- HSToday Magazine
-- March 2008
Hired Guns: You go to war with the Army you buy, not the Army you have -- The American Conservative -- November 2007
War Whisperers: 2008 Hopefuls Hire the Old Guard -- The American Conservative -- October 2007

"I'm so in love with this dirty city - this crazy grid of desire"
-- Becker/Fagen