Neoconservative Wolves Dressed In Never-Trumper Clothing--The American Conservative, 8/10/20
Gaslighting Nobody, the Blog Struggles for Primacy, The American Conservative, 6/24/20
When it comes to the VA, do veterans really have a choice? The American Conservative, 4/18/20
West Point Prof Pens Blistering Take Down of West Point, The American Conservative, 2/17/20
From Boeing to E-Ring: Shanahan is Industrys Man in the Pentagon--The American Conservative--5/14/19
Ten Years Gone: Iraq and Afghanistan Vets on What It All Meant--The American Conservative--11/9/18
Vets Cheer as VA, DoD Take a Beating at Burn Pits Hearing---The American Conservative--6/8/18
F-35 Success: Real or Imagined? ---The American Conservative magazine --11/17/17
Afghan Soldiers Went AWOL in U.S. For Years-- The American Conservative -- 10/30/17
Bowe Bergdahl Was 'Guilty' All Along -- The American Conservative -- 10/17/17
Is Tom Cotton's Inner Realist Struggling to Get Out? -- The American Conservative magazine -- 9/21/17
Nikki Haley Debuts Trump Case for Ending Iran Nuke Deal -- The American Conservative -- 9/6/17
Chinese Troops Moving Next Door to U.S. Base in Horn of Africa -- The American Conservative -- 7/24/17
Dr. Strangelove and the Los Alamos Nuclear Fiasco -- 7/13/17-- The American Conservative magazine
How Saudi Arabia tricked American veterans -- The American Conservative magazine -- 4/27/17
What Trump's Afghanistan War policy will probably look like -- The American Conservative -- 2/14/17
With Trump in office can Bowe Bergdahl get a fair trial? -- The American Conservative -- 1/24/17
Trump and Israel -- The American Conservative -- 1/18/17
Is Civilian Control of the Military in Jeopardy? -- The American Conservative -- 12/21/16
'Mafia Fighter' Chuck Myers was Pentagon watchdog, unsung hero of close air support -- The American Conservative -- 12/1/16
Do you know how many contractors are in Afghanistan, Iraq ...Syria? -- The American Conservative -- 10/25/16/
The Return of Torture: CIA and Congress oppose Trumps push but the public may not -- The American Conservative -- 9/28/16
The Veeps on War: They are both hawkish -- The American Conservative -- 9/14/16
Hillary Clinton's national security team-in-waiting has Syria war plans -- The American Conservative -- 8/16/16
Fallujah in Ruins -- The American Conservative -- 7/14/16
The Military Industrial Election -- The American Conservative --7/6/16
Will Women Dodge the Draft? Pentagon joins political debate over women in Selective Service -- The American Conservative --
When Money Cannot Buy An Army: Billions Spent on Afghanistan Potemkin Village -- The American Conservative -- 1/20/16
Stigma of the 'damaged veteran' a barrier to treatment, as suicides claim more US troops -- Foxnews.com -- 1/19/16
The Cult of Air Power Will Not Destroy ISIS -- The American Conservative -- 12/17/15
Critics try, but fail to kill $1 billion weapons deal for Saudi Arabia -- Foxnews.com -- 12/12/15
The Obama Guantanamo Challenge -- The American Conservative -- 12/1/15
Given another chance: Alternative courts help returning vets in trouble with the law -- Foxnews.com -- 11/11/15
Pentagon reportedly suspends missile defense program behind runaway blimp -- Foxnews.com -- 11/4/15
New VA scandals call into question agency's ability to clean house -- Foxnews.com -- 4/17/15
VA program to provide private care stumbling out of the gate -- Foxnews.com -- 3/13/15
The DEA strands veterans -- The American Conservative -- 3/6/15
A Blackwater World Order: The privatization of U.S wars swells the ranks of armies for hire -- The American Conservative --
The Military Industrial Candidate: what President Hillary Clinton would mean for the defense establishment -- The American
Conservative -- 11/20/14
John Nagl returns: COIN failed its way to popularity before, but its biggest champion won't give up --The American Conservative
-- 10/31/14
The Iraqi Army Never Was - The American Conservative magazine -- 10/9/14
How oil rules Iraq -- The American Conservative magazine -- 8/28/14
Iraq Vets Ask: Was It Worth It? -- The American Conservative -- 6/27/14
Afghanistan election: Will country turn the page, or descend into chaos? -- Foxnews.com -- 6/8/14
Veterans of the Burn Pits: vets still waiting for VA registry -- The American Conservative -- 5/2/14
Scrap Heap of War: Billions in equipment being left behind in Afghanistan -- FOXNews.com -- 4/4/14
Lessons from a Surge Skeptic -- The American Conservative magazine -- 3/7/14
'Windfalls of war': Companies with spotty records making billions off Afghanistan -- FoxNews.com -- 2/20/14
How a Careerist Culture Leads to Military Scandals -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 2/18/14
Chuck Hagel: the Pentagon's Invisible Man? -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 1/23/14
Why the 'Warthog' Matters, or, A Turf Battle Amid Sequestration -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 11/29/13
The Military's Prescription Drug Addiction -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 10/3/13
Surviving War, Falling to Suicide: Brain injuries, post-traumatic stress, and depression are as hazardous as any battlefield
-- The American Conservative -- 1/1/13
VA Resists Registry for Victims of Iraq/Afghanistan Burn Pits - The American Conservative --10/15/12
Once-Censored WWII Film Smashes Cliches -- The American Conservative -- 5/30/12
It's real! Navy test-fires first working prototype railgun -- FOXNews.com -- 2/28/12
Slowly, Toxic Vets Get Recognition -- Antiwar.com -- Feb. 7, 2012
Truth Emerges About IED Carnage -- Antiwar.com (opinion) -- August 2, 2011
DoD Dodges Deadly Dust -- Antiwar.com -- 5/24/11
40-years of the "Fighter Mafia": Informal military group of subversives for reform -- The American Conservative Magazine --
Col. Gian Gentile Talks COIN and 'Savior Generals," in His New Book -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 8/22/13
Our Afghanistan Wasteland: Why we are leaving $7B in Military Gear Behind -- Antiwar.com -- 7/11/13
VA Whistleblower Ignites Firestorm Over Vets Illnesses -- American Conservative Magazine -- 5/10/13
Nick Turse, Exhuming Vietnam: An interview with the author of 'Kill Anything That Moves'-- Antiwar.com -- 3/5/13
The Sad Truth About Gitmo -- The American Conservative Magazine -- 2/7/13
The Babies will Haunt Us -- Antiwar.com -- 12/18/12
Gitmos Prying Eyes:The Defense Department wages war on attorney-client privilege -- The American Conservative Magazine --
February 2012
Poisoned Generation:For Iraq's Children, the War in Not Over -- Cover: The American Conservative -- April 2011